About Me

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Northeast, Pennsylvania, United States
We have 6 children - I homeschool 4, 2 have graduated. We have our own business - I try to help in the office when I can. I Love The Lord! I garden, I sew as I have time, can or freeze the harvest and really enjoy baking bread....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It has been a while..

Well, now that I remembered my password, I should be back up and writing again..

How our garden fared:

Green, Purple and Wax beans are almost done producing, I'm only getting a half filled basket a week now.

Corn is gone, we ate the last few stragglers last night with steak and fresh green beans... mmm, mmm, mmm :)

Carrots are in and one last crop has been planted - I really have to get the cold frame built with Josh so we don't loose anything.

My lettuce, cucumbers and radishes were another story- I ended up with one great picking of each and since then it has been some here, some there... 3 of my easiest crops yet not much of a success at all.

I really think this was due to the weather, we had the strangest weather this year.

Broccoli and Cauliflower are done- broccoli got burned from a one day hot spell this year and the cauliflower was amazing! I have at least a dozen heads blanched and frozen.

Raspberries are the big surprise still producing a cup or two every couple days. This is our best year yet.. Praise God!

Sunflowers have been a great.. I cut and filled two vases full of beautiful sunflowers. Bundled two large bouquets of sunflowers with twine and hung them upside down on my porch for the birds. Cut the heads off about 1 dozen to dry and feed to the birds in the midst of winter here.

Yellow squash ( I took a year off from zucchini) is just now growing really abundant.

My tomatoes got hit with this blight as so many of my neighbor's did.

Potatoes did not get the blight and in another 2 or 3 weeks we shall see what that harvest has amounted to... Oh how I am praying it is good.

Sadly, I have yet to see a butternut squash- I really love them...

But.. Happily I have 1/2 a dozen spaghetti squashes in my forest of squash leaves.

Lastly, my goofy pumpkins. I usually get 2 or 3 and they are ok. This year I have about 7 of the hugest pumpkins I could have ever imagined growing plus more coming up everyday. My husband and I are just amazed.

I asked God to bless this garden and also asked for just enough pumpkins for each of the 6 kids- again and again in the biggest and and smallest of my requests. God blesses beyond what is ever deserved.

So, how is your garden doing? Are you all ready to begin apple picking for some homemade applesauce and apple butter???

I'll be back to post pictures later.


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