About Me

My photo
Northeast, Pennsylvania, United States
We have 6 children - I homeschool 4, 2 have graduated. We have our own business - I try to help in the office when I can. I Love The Lord! I garden, I sew as I have time, can or freeze the harvest and really enjoy baking bread....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More Snow??

This is from the other day (and yes-that is a child climbing a snow bank behind the tree), but don't you think it is enough?  I mean afterall, it is spring, is it not!?

As you may have guessed, I woke up this morning to big beautiful snowflakes falling from the sky once more.
I think tomorrow is the day to start filling many of those little newspaper pots we've made! 
I need to have my hands in dirt! 
I need to see something growing! 

Ok- I think I may have cabin fever...

I made these awesome little planting pots this year.  I found the idea and directions at Thy Hand Hath Provided - be careful though, you could get lost there for a long time.. the website has a LOT of great info.
Anyway, I think it is time to put the pretty decorations on my radiator covers away and get those trays of pots filled with dirt and seeds and set them all up~

What are you doing for your garden or to prepare for Spring at your house?
Write and let me know,

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