About Me

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Northeast, Pennsylvania, United States
We have 6 children - I homeschool 4, 2 have graduated. We have our own business - I try to help in the office when I can. I Love The Lord! I garden, I sew as I have time, can or freeze the harvest and really enjoy baking bread....

Thursday, January 29, 2009


How does each school year roll by so quickly? It seems like I was just planning this year and now I am already preparing for the next year and looking forward to 2 really great used curriculum fairs near me.

I have to admit, this year I am probably more organized than last. A lot of prayer is greatly helping me to focus on what I really need and add in some extras without ending up with a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

I love books and I love to have a lot of books.. but I also know that while books are a wonderful thing, so is organization and I need to chose wisely between what I need, want and what I can borrow from a library. Although I like to have many good quality books available for the kids I also cannot possibly purchase EVERY good book so.. my list is being written, shortened and prioritiesed.

About a month ago I purchased a cd set and was greatly blessed by it. It is so in line with my husband's and my thoughts on homeschooling and how to focus your lessons. I can't tell you enough how blessed you will also be by Victoria Botkin and her children. They share their thoughts and memeories plus Victoria shares with you the guidelines to a loving, enriching, focused homeschool and home...

Again, I cannot express how much I have been blessed by these cd's.

Have a Wonderful Afternoon....

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