About Me

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Northeast, Pennsylvania, United States
We have 6 children - I homeschool 4, 2 have graduated. We have our own business - I try to help in the office when I can. I Love The Lord! I garden, I sew as I have time, can or freeze the harvest and really enjoy baking bread....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What I have been reading lately

I know.. 6 kids.. a business and I am reading- Well... yes, usually I am only able to read here and there but my sweet hubby had extensive dental work done 2 weeks ago.  8 1/2 hours of dental work - so, while he was getting all of the mercury removed from his mouth, I sat, all by myself, in an air conditioned private room in a recliner - it was awesome!  And I read a book - ok, I read 2 books - they were fantastic! 

If you have never heard of the Boyer's you need to check out there website The Learning Parent - they are just really neat.  Marilyn has a wonderful heart for her children and has put her wisdom into such simple, easy to read words- I just can't say enough about this book
877072: Parenting From the Heart: Practical Parenting From A Mom of 14 Children Parenting From the Heart: Practical Parenting From A Mom of 14 Children

By Marilyn Boyer / The Learning Parent

Nationally respected homeschooling speaker and author Boyer shares her wisdom---and wit---from 30 years' experience as a mother. Filled with advice about crying babies and screaming shoppers, turning problems into projects, moving from sorrow to joy, setting up "school," standing alone, and letting your children grow and go. Includes lots of family photos! 164 pages, softcover from The Learning Parent.

and then.. once your heart has been touched and you are completely refreshed (like I was) a great follow up is this book
877048: Fun Projects for Hands-on Character Building, Revised Edition Fun Projects for Hands-on Character Building, Revised Edition

By Rick & Marilyn Boyer / The Learning Parent

Create precious family memories as you dive into projects, activities, and games designed to teach kids obedience, self-acceptance, a forgiving spirit, meekness, hunger for righteousness, and a bold testimony. Written by a homeschooling family with 14 children, this character-building "tool chest" overfloweth! Revised edition includes color pictures and an updated list of resources. 156 pages, softcover from The Learning Parent.
They really go hand in hand and could make some great crafts and projects for the rest of summer too!

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