About Me

My photo
Northeast, Pennsylvania, United States
We have 6 children - I homeschool 4, 2 have graduated. We have our own business - I try to help in the office when I can. I Love The Lord! I garden, I sew as I have time, can or freeze the harvest and really enjoy baking bread....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Real Garden Pictures to Share

Here are pictures from my garden this year, unlike the last picture I posted of what I'd like to have my garden look like...

This is one of seven pumkins in my garden. This is the best year I have ever had for pumkins so my son thought he'd help me document some of what we ended up with.. bear with us.. we are not bragging with the photos.. just totally pleased :)

Two of the "Old Connecticut" pumkins- they are such a dark muted orange color.. They just scream fall .. you can see a corn stalk above the pumkins. We ended up with just a small amount of stalks but enough that we harvested 32 ears of corn.. Just enough for 2 dinners around here.

This is our "monster" even the picture doesn't do it credit. It is truely huge.

Another one that is near our "monster"... these were taken a week ago and the pumkins have all grown even more.. These two are worth weighing just for the fun of it...

Yes, that is my sidewalk under the pumkin. What can I say, my sweet hubby wanted the garden near the house and soooo, it is near by.

This is the sea of pumpkins overflowing my raised bed garden in the middle of my yard.
Being in town, I do wonder what my neighbors think..

Better shot of what the yard now looks like...

A chaotic and true picture of what a green bean square foot garden looks like when your five year old helps! :) But as I have mentioned before, we were blessed ubundantly with green beans and they are slowing a bit but still producing!

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