About Me

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Northeast, Pennsylvania, United States
We have 6 children - I homeschool 4, 2 have graduated. We have our own business - I try to help in the office when I can. I Love The Lord! I garden, I sew as I have time, can or freeze the harvest and really enjoy baking bread....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Children and Wisdom

Yesterday was an incredibly busy day- Election Day you know.. Anyway, my refuge from the hustle and bustle was a cd I was playing in my car. I purchased the set from Vision Forum, the speaker is S.M. Davis- he is such a blessing to me.

Something he said has been playing over and over in my head all morning. The basic sentance was: Mothers and Fathers - pray daily for your child to seek Godly Wisdom and ask God to give them wisdom.

How simple is that? How very necessary is that?

the impact of that small prayer...

that split second of your time that it will take to ask God for that...

imagine if you had one person who had asked God for that in your life....

Parents, Grandparents Siblings- commit to praying for the children in your life, each individually, that God may grant them wisdom.

What a beautiful, loving act that is with such great impact in their life!

Monday, April 21, 2008

When we do our part to teach, instruct, discipline, and train our children in the ways of God -- when we read them stories from God's Word; when we teach them how to pray and have faith that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He'll do; when we help them get plugged in with godly friends; when we show them that walking with God brings joy and fulfillment, not boredom and restrictions; when we pray with and for them about everything -- then our children will develop a hunger for the things of God. They will know that the things of God are top priority. They will long for His ways, His Word, and His presence.--- For This Child I Prayed, Stormie Omartian.

Psalm 86; 11-12Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.


I like Mondays- it is the chance to start all over and set the pace for your whole family.
I guess my thought is, no matter what last week was like (and boy did I have a less than pleasant week), this week is just begining!

What is on schedule for you today? Hmm. Schedule... does that intimidate you or make your heart flutter? I LOVE schedules! Making them, planning them, even printing them out has been a hobby of mine for years.... Following any of these beautiful schedules is a whole different cup of tea. It took several years of products purchased, time on the computer and even a couple seminars when I finally one day sat down, made a very practical - easy schedule and decided that this is the last one I will make. I will make alterations to what I have but the key is to wake up and plan to follow it. If I get off track, I just need to look at the clock, look at what is on track for whatever the time may be and begin all over. My day is not down the drain, it is just begining where I should be and going one step at a time.

Schedules, I believe, create peace! More on this later-
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